
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Love Story on Christmas

I absolutely adore Christmas. I love the lights, the egg nog, the decorations, the songs, the cozy fireplace, and the movies I have seen a million Christmases in a row. But more than the presents, more than the family traditions, and more than the amazing food, I love Christmas because it reminds me of the most beautiful love story that has ever been told.

He came into our world. The Lord did not demand that we come to Him like in so many other religions. The very fact that Jesus reaches out to us rather than us reaching out to Him is one of the many reasons I fell in love with Him in the first place. And He came to our world in one of the most extraordinary ways. Not extravagant ways. Extraordinary. Jesus could have come to this world with a choir of angels or a blinding light. He could have come as a political power or a wealthy man. Instead, Jesus was born a tiny, helpless baby. And even more extraordinary: He came to this world born in a barn to a terrified yet trusting teenage couple. This is why I am so in love with my Jesus: He came into this world as a humble stranger and servant to us all. He came into this world to experience the hurt, heartache, fear, frustration, injustice, rejection, and pain we all experience. He arrived in our world as a helpless baby, because that's how we come into this world. He came into this world to experience the ugliness of it all. And yet, he conquers it all to show us that there is a better way to live, to show us that there is hope in this world. Jesus came into this world to give us hope that through Him, we can become victorious over the darkness of this world.

Christmas is about a love so extravagant that the Lord of the Universe was born into this world to die for me. A baby was born into this world to love me beyond anything I could ever imagine. "For this reason I was born...." John 18:37.

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